

In the world of mathematics, several fields portrays complexity to learn and solely focus on the application of cognitive aspect since it flaunts to emphasize skills such as critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. However, mathematics of investment, a course in the college degree does not only portray formulas that can only be stored cognitively, but highly emphasizes worth-while lessons  in real-life applications as well. This is a math course that helps  us , learners in ways we can be wise and financially literate. Hence, mathematics of investment comprise of topics commonly known as interest, annuities, and the time value of money. These topics awakens my inner self to view financial matters in other perspective point. In the past, I do not comprehensively understand the significance of knowing these topics since I find it difficult to grasp the idea. I just only saw real-life applications of these concepts in loans (pautang) like ASA Philippines Foundation in which ...

Characteristics of 21st Century Teacher

What is the significance of the topic to you as future educators?            All aspects existing in this world are both inevitable and dynamic. It all undergo in the process of changing and enhancing to fit into the demands of the society we live in. Teacher is one of the evolving aspect specifically in educational system. As the world became modern and digital, educational landscape improves by initially adapting the characteristics of the 21st Century Teacher. These characteristics not only brings forth a quality of education, but life-long learners as well, so it is very a crucial topic as future educators, because it provides us an adept perspective towards a successful teaching and learning process. This topic plays a significant role to us, future educators, for it serves as a gauge or foundation of preparing ourselves to address the demands of modern education, as well as to gives us an idea to adapt these characteristics which are not observa...

Lesson Planning: A Guide for Educators

          People of every age happen to do things unexpectedly yet still tend to have a meaningful experience. This is true for some reason for it flaunts an outcome that somehow resonates to what we expected or want to happen. But if we go into the context of education, it must be organized and planned well because we are not just tackling only about the random experiences we ought to have, but it is a life-long learning that needs to be comprehended and adapt in the near future as well. Hence, before delving into the actual learning phase, we must know what things are necessary for the implementation and the deliberation of discussions in an orderly manner in which we called it as lesson planning. Lesson planning is a rigorous process of identifying and determining various staffs needed in the educational journey to ensure a well-organize delivering of lessons. It is utmost significant to do lesson plan because it caters to not only the things needed just like...


                                                                                                                                            In today's world, nothing is permanent or stays the same. All things evolve and undergo changes, may it be a change that brought negative impact to such aspects or a change for good benefits . Hence, education is not an exemption to what the new world offers. Since the world welcomes and acknowledges the existence of the 21st century, technological tools, digital devices, and 21st century skills develop as well. Holistically, through these devices and tools, Information and Communication Techn...