In the world of mathematics, several fields portrays complexity to learn and solely focus on the application of cognitive aspect since it flaunts to emphasize skills such as critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. However, mathematics of investment, a course in the college degree does not only portray formulas that can only be stored cognitively, but highly emphasizes worth-while lessons in real-life applications as well. This is a math course that helps us , learners in ways we can be wise and financially literate. Hence, mathematics of investment comprise of topics commonly known as interest, annuities, and the time value of money. These topics awakens my inner self to view financial matters in other perspective point. In the past, I do not comprehensively understand the significance of knowing these topics since I find it difficult to grasp the idea. I just only saw real-life applications of these concepts in loans (pautang) like ASA Philippines Foundation in which ...