Lesson Planning: A Guide for Educators

          People of every age happen to do things unexpectedly yet still tend to have a meaningful experience. This is true for some reason for it flaunts an outcome that somehow resonates to what we expected or want to happen. But if we go into the context of education, it must be organized and planned well because we are not just tackling only about the random experiences we ought to have, but it is a life-long learning that needs to be comprehended and adapt in the near future as well. Hence, before delving into the actual learning phase, we must know what things are necessary for the implementation and the deliberation of discussions in an orderly manner in which we called it as lesson planning. Lesson planning is a rigorous process of identifying and determining various staffs needed in the educational journey to ensure a well-organize delivering of lessons. It is utmost significant to do lesson plan because it caters to not only the things needed just like materials or resources, but it also accommodates students' diverse needs, societal needs and even the subject matter being relevant to the learners. Furthermore, the essence of lesson plan extends beyond what we perceive it. It is the anchor that drives the learning process to be purposeful and worthy of time. Additionally, it is not all about creating a structured plan to easily established the lessons only, but this is core instrument that helps in molding and crafting an experience or activity that best enhance students' engagement, understanding, and collaborative effort. Therefore, it is highly essential to prioritize lesson plan because it secures feasibility within time and resource constraints which gives an efficient classroom learning with well-defined objectives, captivating or engaging activities, and more opportunities for assessment that assess not only students' learning, yet the teaching methodology used for evaluation. Without lesson plan, there can be potential and possible challenges that may occur that even the teacher cannot control due to lack of knowledge and will to do lesson planning. This may lead to confusions and not comprehensive way of the teaching and learning procedures. In contrast, if we do emphasize lesson plan, unexpected challenges can be tailored in advance by crafting solutions through thinking thoroughly what approach best suit for this. In its sense, lesson planning is the foundation to an effective teaching and learning experiences amidst hindrances to education. 

               Lesson plan helps teachers and students in several ways. It cannot be counted solely in the four corners of the classroom but beyond to what it offers. It is not created merely for a fact that we need to be organize all the time, but above all things, the worthiness and relevance of the learning experiences. So as a future educator, I can say that lesson plan really provides a well-crafted educational journey even as of now that I am still a learner, it helps me to navigate the lessons engagingly yet full of gained knowledge. Due to this, my intrinsic motivation increases and urge me to do most likely lesson planning. Integrating lesson plan into my future class can be impactful not only to me who facilitates the learning experiences but also the learners who received these benefits of emulating lesson plan. Hence, lesson plan will serve as a blueprint or framework that will guide me towards a successful teaching career. This will holistically help me scrutinize what resources, subjects, objectives, strategies, and approaches do I need to include to have a well-learned classroom environment. Thus, it will give me various opportunities to tailor my instruction that will be suitable to learners' diverse needs which will foster a sense of belonging ensuring that no one will be left out and has that chance to thrive. Simulating activities will also be of great significance because through lesson plan, I can choose appropriately what activities can efficiently develop the skills they have. This will give me a crafting mind to elude tasks by self-introspection due to time-free constraints. One example to that is integrating technology usage by doing a demonstration activity. Without proper plan of delivering this, it may cause some chaos to time and on the on-going learning process. Lesson plan can best help me facilitates this kind of lesson or activity by ensuring that time is not being dashed away while engaging to this journey. Overall, lesson plan is a silver-lining not only to learners but to teachers as well because it helps to teaching and learning process to be dynamic and active. This serves as a visualization of what we perceive in the educational journey helping us to be aligned and connected without further ignoring important matters. 


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